Fw: [Glade-users] Glade2 and gnomeui

Oops, now to finish the post! :)

It just seems like the druid/gnome stuff is a bit slow. When I click next,
my eye can perceive the window being layed out - even Java is faster than
that. Also, gnome_ok_dialog() takes a good few hundred millis to show up!
For a dialog!! It feels sluggish, I would think that C of all languages
would be the fastest there is for GUIs.

Just a thought perhaps. Maybe GTK itself is the culprit.

Tyson Lloyd Thwaites
Technical Lead
I.T.& e Limited
Level 1, 1 Alexandra Avenue

Phone:  (08) 8111 2800
Fax:       (08) 8331 1735
Email:    tysonlt webmedia com au
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tyson Lloyd Thwaites" <tysonlt webmedia com au>
To: "John (J5) Palmieri" <johnp martianrock com>
Cc: <glade-users lists ximian com>
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [Glade-users] Glade2 and gnomeui

Hi John,

Thank you, you have been more than useful. I had a feeling the gnome
was only a line away!

re the X/Y, all us gui developers know they are eveil, but....sheesh,
sometimes I still like to use it. I guess I am still learning the GTK
layouts as opposed to Java, and sometimes I just cave in and use the
absolute layout. Sigh...

Re the druid, the only problem I have is being forced into looking like
gnome. Sometimes I do not want those cute arrows and crosses on my
I do not like the little strip down the side. I want the icon on the left,
etc etc. Picky perhaps but that's how it is. Also, I wonder about the
performance of stuff that has been linked with gnome libraries; I may
speaking out of ignorance here

Tyson Lloyd Thwaites
Technical Lead
I.T.& e Limited
Level 1, 1 Alexandra Avenue

Phone:  (08) 8111 2800
Fax:       (08) 8331 1735
Email:    tysonlt webmedia com au
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John (J5) Palmieri" <johnp martianrock com>
To: "Tyson Lloyd Thwaites" <tysonlt webmedia com au>
Cc: <glade-users lists ximian com>
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Glade-users] Glade2 and gnomeui

On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 21:00, Tyson Lloyd Thwaites wrote:
Hi you lot,

I have just started on the road of C development (I do Java for a
and I have had success with glade, ligblade, and anjuta. I recently
I should probably upgrade my app to GTK2, glade2 etc. I can get my new
to compile, however I have the following two problems:

1.    libglade doesn't seem to know what the 'x' and 'y' property of a
widget means anymore (I use a few absolute layouts)
X and Y are bad for most applications.  Not to say that it is
never useful but more often than not it leads to inconsistent UI.
GTK2 and Gnome2 strive for the consistency that GTK1 and Gnome1 lacked.
For X, Y layout I believe the GnomeCanvas widget is the prefered method
though don't quote me on that.  Check out the HIG for guidelines on
Gnome2 UI design (http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gup/hig/).

2.    where has the gnome UI palette group gone?
Your project is most likely being read as a GTK project.  To change this
edit your .glade file in a text editor and add this after the
<glade-interface> tag:
<requires lib="gnome"/>

I am using the stock Redhat 9 install. I see screenshots on the net of
Glade2 with gnome showing - how I do 'make it so'?

OTHERWISE: has anybody written an alternative to the gnome druid? That
the only component I am actually using.
The Druid is still the way to do it.

Thanks for helping a newbie.

No problem. Hope I have been at least a little helpful.


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