[Glade-users] unexplainable crash

Some comments on your code:

Alef T Veld wrote:

/* cut here */
char *string;
       schedule *tmp=head;
       time_t dateedit1;
       struct tm *tstruct;

       /* Setup the string */

Here's a *BUG* - you are trying to use *strcat* on non-initialized char* 
pointer. Use *g_strdup()* instead of *strcat()* to duplicate the string 
from widget.

       /* Setup the date */
       dateedit1=gnome_date_edit_get_time((GnomeDateEdit *)glade_xml_get_widget(xml,"dateedit1"));

Get a pointer to widget "dateedit1" first, and use *GNOME_DATE_EDIT()* 
cast instead of (GnomeDateEdit*) to be sure that the right widget was 


       /* Get a node */
       if(tail==NULL) {
       g_warning("First record in schedule allocated");

1. Use *g_malloc()*  or even *g_malloc0()* function instead of 
*malloc()* - its easier to debug your app if memory allocation fails.
2. Use GList or GSList data type from GLib - these are already 
implemented double and single linked lists. Why are you trying to 
reimplement the wheel ?



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