[Glade-users] Still don't get it: (glade-perl) How to return selected file from dialog?


I searched the archives, read the FAQ and the tutorials and I still don't get 
I've got a main window "win_main" and a fileselection dialog. (By the way, 
I'm referring to glade-perl since I'm not very fluent in C anymore.)

In class "win_main" I've got my signal handler:
sub on_button2_clicked {
    my ($class, $data, $object, $instance, $event) = @_;
    my $me = __PACKAGE__."->on_button2_clicked";
    # Get ref to hash of all widgets on our form
    my $form = $__PACKAGE__::all_forms->{$instance};

    my $fs = fileselection1->new();
} # End of sub on_button2_clicked

In class "fileselection1" another one:
sub on_ok_button1_clicked {
    my ($class, $data, $object, $instance, $event) = @_;
    my $me = __PACKAGE__."->on_button1_clicked";
    # Get ref to hash of all widgets on our form
    my $form = $__PACKAGE__::all_forms->{$instance};


Now, how do I return the selected file?
I want to fill an entry widget on "win_main" with it.

Am I stupid?

Many thanks in advance
Lars Reineke

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