[Glade-devel] Glade user survey (beta testing)

Hi Pablo!

IMHO I would reduce the number of options as I assume you won't get
millions of answers and thus some numbers might be insignificant
otherwise, especially for kind of application and license.

For license I would especially merge free and open source software to
FOSS software (hoping the Richard is not reading this list...).

And I don't see the need to request more information than E-mail.
Privacy means especially to not gather data at all if possible.


Am Montag, den 11.11.2013, 14:40 -0300 schrieb Juan Pablo Ugarte:
Hi guys, lately I been working in a survey and I will appreciate if you
help me test it before making it more public


So please, feel free to break it! :)

Also any comments about it are welcome!


Juan Pablo

Glade-devel maillist  -  Glade-devel at lists.ximian.com
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