[Glade-devel] Unexpected element <signal> inside <widget>

Micha? Karnicki ha scritto:

This is the relevant part of glade file:

                      <widget class="GtkToggleToolButton"
                        <property name="visible">True</property>
                        <property name="extension_events">all</property>
                        <property name="label"
                        <property name="stock_id">gtk-edit</property>
                        <accelerator key="e" signal="clicked"
                        <signal name="toggled"
                        <property name="expand">False</property>
                        <property name="homogeneous">True</property>

And it looks fine, so I really have a problem :/ I need Glade to 
produce GUI.. or I don't notice someting?

I can't tell what was the version of glade which produced the file (I 
recently had ubuntu 8.10 up to date, but I just switched to 9.04 alfa 
6). The current version of Glade I have is 3.6.0 - I opened the 
not-so-old .glade file in the new Glade and saved it. Then signals 
stopped to connect with button events (at least the one I use, which 
is clicked/toggled).


2009/3/24 Tristan Van Berkom <tristan.van.berkom at gmail.com 
<mailto:tristan.van.berkom at gmail.com>>

    2009/3/23 Micha? Karnicki <mkarnicki at gmail.com
    <mailto:mkarnicki at gmail.com>>:
    > I have the same problem. After loading the old file and saving
    it, buttons
    > stopped to work. I receive:
    > libglade-WARNING **: Unexpected element <signal> inside <widget>
    > And I have no clue what to do. If I can provide you with any
    feedback you
    > need concerning this issue, I will be more than pleased. Thank you!

    Hi as far as I know this was fixed here:
    but /before/ 3.5.4 (think it was fixed in 3.5.2 or 3.5.3).

    Take a look at the Glade file, the signals should follow the
    and precede the children, if they dont, there is your bug.

    Also please let me know what version of Glade produced the Glade
    file with the malformed signals.


    > Mike
    > --------------------
    > Hi, after an upgrade to the last versione on jaunty a have this
    kind of
    > error when i open old ( 3.5.4) file and save it
    > Buttons doesnt' work.
    > Any tip? my fault?
    > Thanks
    > (promogest.py:24867): libglade-WARNING **: Unexpected element
    > inside <widget>.
    > _______________________________________________
    > Glade-devel maillist  -  Glade-devel at lists.ximian.com
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Glade-devel maillist  -  Glade-devel at lists.ximian.com
Sorry Tristan for the private email sent before.
resend my email to the list:

After some attempt i found that is a accel groups related problem, after 
deleting this part from glade ( 3.5.x ) to the code i jumped the ( 
libglade -->gtkbuilder  --> libglade ) problem.

I ask again about an how-to , piece of code, something about custom 
widgets with gtkbuilder, i made a simplegladewrapper for gtkbuilder but 
i can manage customs. thanks


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