[Glade-devel] A software engineering experiment.

Hi Archit,
   Long time no hear ;-)

I filled out your survey, Im not sure how representative it will be of what
(as it seems targeted mostly at developers who have singular experiences
with glade, my first mandate, I was originally paid to make it "just work" so
we could integrate our widget catalogs into it) but I hope it helps.


On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 5:38 AM, Archit Baweja <architbaweja at gmail.com> wrote:
Hey Guys,

 So I've setup a basic survey system for the purposes of our
 experiment's data collection. You can check it out at


 I know Juan Pablo Ugarte mentioned his interest in helping out;
 personally. If anyone else wants to take the survey, please feel free
 to do so. Some things to keep in mind are, please answer all
 questions. I haven't really done the best of form validation in the
 survey (at the very least make sure you specify your name in the first
 field before submitting). Can't really think of anything else right
 now. If you have any troubles do let me know.

 Thanks for helping out again. Much appreciated.

 On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 10:36 PM, Juan Pablo Ugarte
 <juanpablougarte at gmail.com> wrote:
 >  On Thu, 2008-03-20 at 22:24 -0400, Archit Baweja wrote:
 >  > Hey Glade3 developers,
 >  >
 >  >     My name is Archit Baweja, as some of you may know I worked on Glade3 up till
 >  > about 3-4 years ago.
 >  >
 >  >     I'm now part of a research group headed by Dr. Cai  at Drexel
 >  > University that
 >  > is conducting research in the field of Software Engineering, in particular
 >  > software maintenance. We would like to use the Glade3 code base for
 >  > purposes of data collection for our research experiment.
 >  >
 >  >     I was wondering if any of the developers would be available to
 >  > fill out a short
 >  > multi-choice questionnaire related to our research to help us with collecting
 >  > data.
 >  Yes, sure. why not :)
 >  greets
 >  Juan Pablo
 Glade-devel maillist  -  Glade-devel at lists.ximian.com

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