[Glade-devel] Bug. Maybe.

Just tested it on a live hardy (glade 3.4.2, gtk.ver = (2, 14, 1)) and
the bug is still here.


Pietro Battiston ha scritto:
I've found a bug, and I didn't find it in the Gnome Bugzilla. But since
I can't say if it's a glade or libglade problem, and since I'm not using
last version of both (please forgive me, I did try to compile last glade
but unsuccesfully), I wanted to ask here if it's already known before
filing it.

This is how you can reproduce it: open glade (mine is 3.4.0, on an
Ubuntu Gutsy), create a new toplevel "Message dialog", set the text as
you prefer, set the buttonbox to hold only one button, add a button to
the empty slot, save.

Now open a python (I'm using 2.5.1 r 251) and do:
import gtk.glade
What happens:
1) the following message appears:
__main__:1: GtkWarning: Ignoring the separator setting

(.:10113): libglade-WARNING **: could not find a parent that handles
internal children for `vbox'

2) the dialog appears, but with no button

Thank you for the attention, I can do some more testing if needed.

Here's the glade xml file I get:
In python, gtk.ver says (2, 14, 0).

Pietro Battiston
Glade-devel maillist  -  Glade-devel at lists.ximian.com


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