[Glade-devel] Glade 3.0.1 bugfix release

Em Wed, 23 Aug 2006 09:57:28 -0400
Tristan Van Berkom <tvb at gnome.org> escreveu:

Ha, I guess somebody noticed that after all :)

I've been in the habit of always bumping the libtool versioning
in every single release - I just mechanicly bumped the numbers instead
of asking myself if they really needed bumping.

Sorry if that's caused any trouble.
This is somewhat problematic for Debian, since the library package needs
to have its name changed everytime soname is bumped, which causes some

By the way, do you plan to separate the gettext domains for the library
and the application? It would be good if, in doing so, the library
domain would be unique for a given soname, so we can have multiple
versions of the library installed if needed. Would you accept a patch
to do this?


Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov at debian.org>

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