[Glade-devel] Glade 3 notes

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To try to find my way around the Glade 3 code I've had a quick scan
through all the C files and written a few notes.

I've attached them here in case they are useful to anyone else.


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Major Files Implementing The Glade 3 GUI

glade-project-window.c  - GladeProjectWindow is a struct representing the
                          main window in Glade, with pointers to all the
                          other windows like the widget tree, palette and

glade-project-view.c    - GladeProjectView is a GtkScrolledWindow subclass
                          containing a GtkTreeView and a GtkTreeStore.
                          It is used for the main project view and for the
                          widget tree.

glade-project.c         - GladeProject is a GObject representing a project.
                          It contains a name, path, changed flag, list of
                          widgets, list of selected widgets, an undo stack,
                          and a hash of id allocators.

glade-editor.c          - property editor.
                          glade_editor_load_widget() shows the properties of
                          the given GladeWidget in the editor.

glade-signal-editor.c   - GladeSignalEditor is a struct containing information
                          for editing the signals page in the property editor.
                          It shows a tree view of signals.

glade-palette.c         - the palette of widgets (a GtkVBox subclass).
                          glade_palette_append_catalog() adds new widgets.
                          Emits "toggled" when a button is toggled.

glade-menu-editor.c     - a dialog for editing the items in menubars and
                          popup menus.

glade-keys-dialog.c     - a GtkDialog for selecting accelerator keys.
                          Only used by menu editor at present.

glade-clipboard-view.c  - a GtkWindow that contains a GtkTreeView and maintains
                          the GtkListStore model to go with it.
                          glade_clipboard_view_add()/remove() add/remove
                          GladeWidgets from it. (GladeClipboard calls these.)

glade-clipboard.c       - GladeClipboard is a GObject that contains a list of
                          widgets, the currently selected widget, and a pointer
                          to the corresponding clipboard view.
                          glade_clipboard_add()/remove() add/remove

glade-popup.c           - handles the popup context menu for a given
                          GladeWidget* or GladePlaceholder*.

Major Files Implementing Representation And Manipulation of Widgets

glade-catalog.c         - struct representing a group of widgets, typically
                          one page in the palette. Each catalog has a title
                          and a list of GladeWidgetClass*.

                          glade_catalog_load() loads one catalog given the
                          base filename, e.g. "gtk-base.xml". The catalogs
                          are installed in (see configure.in & config.h):

                          glade_catalog_load_all() loads all the catalogs
                          in glade-palette.xml.

glade-widget-class.c    - GladeWidgetClass is a struct containing information
                          and functions to handle a particular widget class.
                          Has a list of GladePropertyClass for all properties
                          and all child packing properties.
                          Has optional custom functions to handle the widget.

glade-gtk.c             - contains the custom functions needed to handle the
                          GTK+ widgets. There are several types of functions:
                          o Get/Set Properties functions.
                          o Post-Create functions which are called after
                             widgets are created to set them up to be used
                             within Glade.
                          o Replace-Child functions to remove a child widget
                            and insert a new one in its place.
                          o Fill Empty functions that add placeholders to
                            containers so they can be used in Glade.
                          o Get Internal Child functions, that return a pointer
                            to an internal child widget given its name.
                          o Get/Set Child Packing Properties functions.

glade-widget.c          - GladeWidget is a struct containing information on
                          one widget in the interface.
                          Contains the class, name, and pointer to the actual
                          widget, and a list of GladeProperty for each property
                          and child packing property, and a hash of

glade-placeholder.c     - a GtkWidget to represent placeholders in the GUI.

glade-property-class.c  - GladePropertyClass is a struct containing information
                          about a property of a particular widget class.
                          It has a type, id, name, tooltip, a list of
                          GladeParameter, and optional get/set functions if
                          custom functions are necessary.

glade-property.c        - GladeProperty is a struct containing information
                          about a property of a particular widget.
                          It has a pointer to the corresponding
                          GladePropertyClass, a pointer to the GladeWidget,
                          and a GValue.

glade-parameter.c       - GladeParameter is a struct containing a key/value
                          pair of information about a GladeProperty, e.g. for
                          numeric properties there may be a minimum and maximum
                          value, or the property may be optional.

glade-command.c         - Undo/Redo action infrastructure.
                          Contains glade_command_undo()/redo().
                          These create subclasses of GladeCommand to handle
                          undo/redoing particular actions.

Minor Files

glade-choice.c          - handles "choice" properties, i.e. enums.
                          FIXME: should use GTK+ functions where available.
                          I'm not sure this is finished - I don't think it
                          could support custom choice properties yet.
                          Do we need to support custom choice properties?

glade-packing.c         - functions to handle child packing properties, mainly
                          of GtkTable and GtkBox since these need special
                          handling. Currently not used.

glade-cursor.c          - glade_cursor_set() can be called to set cursors on
                          windows. Only SELECTOR/ADD_WIDGET cursors for now.

glade-debug.c           - sets up GLib log error handlers for debugging.
                          Just does a G_BREAKPOINT().

glade-id-allocator.c    - allocates unique ID numbers for newly-created
                          widgets, e.g. 'label1', 'label2'.

glade-signal.c          - GladeSignal is a struct containing information
                          about a signal handler, i.e. its name, handler,
                          and whether it should run after the class method.

glade-transform.c       - contains GValue transformation functions, to convert
                          from strings to various types (I think).  
                          I'm not sure how/where these are used yet.

glade-utils.c           - various utility functions, including
                          glade_util_draw_nodes() - draws the selection handles

glade-xml-utils.c       - utility functions for handling XML files.

main.c                  - contains main() function to initialize app.
                          parses command line, sets up debugging log handlers,
                          registers GValue transformation functions,
                          loads widget catalogs, creates project window,
                          opens projects if specified on command line, calls


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