Re: [gitg] Problems building gitg-3.23.90 form source on Debian 8


I like gitg too!

When you say you installed Xubuntu LTS,  I assume that you mean version 16.04.  That release included gitg 3.17.1, as you can see at

You're right that that's a pretty old version.  As you can see at the link above, Ubuntu 17.04 includes gitg 3.23.0, which is much newer.  So if you install Xubuntu 17.04 you'll get that version of gitg automatically - you won't have to build anything.  You can get Xubuntu 17.04 at

If you'd prefer to run Debian, it looks like you'll get gitg 3.23.0 if you run Debian testing or unstable (but not stable), as you can see at

I myself run Ubuntu 17.04.  It comes with gitg 3.23.0, but rebuilding it from source is easy:

$ sudo apt build-dep gitg
$ git clone git://
$ cd gitg
$ git checkout v3.23.0
$ ./
$ make
$ sudo make install

I hope this helps!


On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 11:47 AM, Ravi van Rooijen <ravivanrooijen live nl> wrote:

Ever since I installed Lubuntu on my old-laptop I've been using GitG for git-related stuff. (It's really awesome.)
About a week ago I decided to install Xubuntu LTS onto my main-pc, as I really started to like linux. Unfortunately, the gitg version in the default repository was outdated & horribly broken (can't remember wich version exactly).
>From that moment on I've been trying to build GitG from source. In the middle of installing/building dependencies I encountered some LVM-problems, wich caused me to switch to Debian 8+XFCE (skipping a very large portion here since it really is irrelevant).
After hours of installing/building dependencies I finally could do the 'sudo make install' on GitG (3.23.90), but it failed with an error I don't understand/can't solve.
I've put the output of 'sudo make install' into a pastebin (, and I really hope somebody can help me fix this error so I can finally do my codings on my main pc again :)

Kind Regards,
Note: I'm not an Indian altough my name is ;)

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