Re: where to find GIR XML documentation?

On Tue, 2019-02-19 at 17:26 +1100, David Bellot via gir-devel-list wrote:

I'm looking for a complete description of the GIR xml format. The website is a bit outdated and misses a lot of documentation (or at least it's my impression).

I've looked at:
1- docs/ directory doesn't really include any good/up-to-date documentation
2- gir-1.2.rnc seems to describe the format, but is it up-to-date with the C code and, obviously, it does not contains explanations and details?
3- reading the C code is my last ressort option, but I'm not sure where to start, unless someone can point me in the right direction (girnode.[ch] ? girparser.[ch] ?)

of course, I'll contribute my findings back and will write a more up to date documentation.

All I need is an accurate, up-to-date description of the format and understand the meaning of each tags and attributes of the format. is the best I know of, but it’s pretty thin and you probably found it in the docs/ directory instead.

Why do you need a description of the XML format? Typically, using the GIR utilities means you don’t need to know the XML format.


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