Re: [Gimp-web] What happened to the plugin registry?

Hi David, thanks for the clarification, I thought that maybe a security breach happened.

About a new approach, I think something similar was discussed before but: How about using a dependency 
manager? Something like PIP for Python, but more generic. Even better, we could develop our own dependency 
manager. It may sound like killing flies with a canon. But the advantage of having our own dependency system 
is that we can customize it to our specific needs (like indexed content and categorization). Luckily we could 
find a generic dependency manager that could fit with our needs.

Another advantage of having a dependency system is that devs could actually define those plugins and scripts 
that they rely on. And of course a dependency system could easily be integrated into GIMP itself.

I hope that helps. Oh! And by the way, I didn't get any confirmation email so I sent my previous email from a 
GMail account too. Sorry for that.

Have a nice day (^_^)/

On 10/07/2018 at19:16, Pat David wrote:
Hello Miguel,

The "incident" is that the registry was hosted on an old drupal installation that was a little long in the 
tooth.  Maintaining and securing it was straining our resources beyond what we had available (and the entire 
infrastructure wasn't quite what we need).

The team has been thinking about a new approach that makes more sense going forward (Jehan and Joao in 
particular, but everyone contributes thoughts/ideas).

The current thinking is leaning towards an integrated environment directly inside GIMP to get access to 
assets and scripts.

On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 11:55 AM Miguel A. Garcia via gimp-web-list <gimp-web-list gnome 
org<mailto:gimp-web-list gnome org>> wrote:
Hi everyone, I've been reading some previous emails on this mail-list
and it seems that something very bad happened a couple of years ago and
now the plugin registry is on readonly mode. But, I couldn't find the
details about the incident (there are dozens of emails since then).
Could someone kindly explain what happened? Also, I would like to know
if there is any other alternative to the registry right now.

This is my first time writing a mail-list like this one, so I'm sorry if
I did something wrong.

Looking forward for your answer.

Best Regards.

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