Re: [Gimp-user] Frame Blur?

And I'm glad you wrote about it. I like the idea of it. I tried to create a
workflow but got stumped at the floating transparency part that allows the
blur layer to show through.

Glad it's G'MIC. I use their stuff constantly.


On Tue, Aug 16, 2022, 4:01 PM Myke Carter <Subs mykec net> wrote:

Hooray!  I found it.

It's one of the "G'MIC-Qt" Gimp plug-in effects.

Filters » G'MIC-Qt » Frames » Frame [Blur]

Having upgraded to Gimp 2.10 under Linux I needed to return to the G'MIC
parent site and download the latest plug-in for my version of Gimp and

So happy to have that effect again.

Thanks.  I'm glad this group exists.


On 8/16/22 04:10, Myke Carter wrote:

I'm trying to relocate a script or plug-in I used to use often about 7
years ago.

I think it's called "Frame Blur" - or maybe that's just what I called it.

Basically, it enlarges and blurs a copy of an image for use as a
background, then applies a white border to the original image and adds
a drop-shadow to make it "float" above the larger, blurred layer
behind it.

It was one of my favorite Gimp effects yet I can no longer remember
what I added to give The Gimp that capability.

Can anyone assist?

If so, thanks in advance!


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