Re: [Gimp-user] Problem with paintbrush tool

Hi Judy!

I suspect that you have the wrong kind of painting dynamics selected:

Please click on the icon to the left of the selected area and choose
"Dynamics Off" in the dropdown list.

Please note that if you use a graphic tablet (Wacom etc.), this will
disable pen pressure. If you only use a mouse, you should be fine.


On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 6:33 PM Judy <judy corozal com> wrote:
I am a 78 yr old female, not professional, but I have been using the
GIMP for 20 years, doing photo editing that is pretty simple. I am not a
nerd/geek, my husband is. Most things on this list are way over my head.
We use Kubutu operating system. GIMP has changed a lot of things lately
and I've managed to get most of what I want/like to use.

BUT now in the Tool Options, I have a paint brush that is a star. When I
use it, it whirls around and I don't know how to stop it. Other brushes
I created also do it. I can't find out how to stop that. It didn't use
to do it.

I still use the multi-windows what I love.

Thanks for any simple help.

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