Re: [Gimp-user] Orientations, Copyright Notices, metadata, and resized layers

On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 7:04 PM Ruben Safir <ruben mrbrklyn com> wrote:

I've been using the GIMP for decades at this point.  It has been bothing
me that of late (and I am old so late can mean years :) ) that I rotate
the image 90% and it doesn't prent in the correct orientation on my
websites.  This is getting to be a real PIA.  With JPGs, you can't just
remove the EXIF data without reprocessing the entire image.  I have
resorted to trying to edit the files in VIM and removing the EXIF data.

But that has lead me another issue, and this is ration serious.  It is
easier to so than tell:

identify -verbose bike.jpg
  Filename: bike.jpg
  Format: JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group JFIF format)
    Profile-exif: 19590 bytes
    Profile-icc: 672 bytes
    Profile-xmp: 3712 bytes
    exif:Model: Canon EOS REBEL T3
    exif:PhotographicSensitivity: 125
    exif:PixelXDimension: 4272
    exif:Software: GIMP 2.10.20
    icc:copyright: Public Domain
    icc:description: GIMP built-in sRGB
    icc:manufacturer: GIMP
    icc:model: sRGB

Is the GIMP declaring my images and Public Domain copyright?  That would
be not cool.

You seem to be spooked by identify's line reported as "icc:copyright:
Public Domain", this is the copyright on the 672byte ICC profile
embedded as part of the exif data (as indicated by the icc: prefix for
the key).


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