Re: [Gimp-user] Image Compression

You haven't said whether the resultant PDFs are for printing or for web viewing. And are you referring to a PDF of one page, letter size, or many pages of a larger size? Nor do you tell us what size you think a "normal" PDF is.

For printing you can get away with 260 dpi images.
For web viewing try 96 dpi, as has been suggested.
For a many-page PDF of course the file will be large.

Rick S.

-----Original Message----- From: Jason Amerson via gimp-user-list
Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2020 10:59 AM
To: GIMP Support
Subject: [Gimp-user] Image Compression


I scanned in a magazine as JPEGs, 300 dpi and high compression, but
still each file is over a megabyte. When I create a PDF using these
files, it is over 250 MB. I was wondering if you could tell me how to
compress these files in GIMP so that the resulting PDF will be of
normal size.

Thank you,


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