Re: [Gimp-user] I have lost all my Gimp windows

Maybe you accidentally hid everything?  Try hitting the "TAB" key?

On Thu, Apr 9, 2020 at 9:23 AM Jean TAVENAS <jean tavenas free fr> wrote:


I have lost all my Gimp windows. I just have now one window with the
fichier edition selection affichage image calque couleurs outils filtres
fenetres aide.

I have de-installed the gimp application and re-install it as I thaught the
appli will be re-installed with a default configuration but unfortunately
seems that the re-install keeps the previous setting.

I have been able to create a new tool box using a CTL B, but the window
created is not anchored to the main window.

Could you help ? how could/should I removed all Gimp files in order to do a
complete re-installation ?

Thanks for your help, I am on Win10.

Best regards


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