Re: [Gimp-user] Grandson is counting on me


Review this tutorial:

That shows a very simple process to create a new animated GIF. The change for you is to edit an existing animated GIF.

1. First that JPG of your grandson needs to be saved as a GIF file.
   Open it in GIMP then save it as a GIF image: File - SaveAs - make
   sure filetype is changed to GIF, and save with <filename>.gif
2. Reopen the GIF of your grandson (and not the JPG image) and the
   animated GIF
3. At this point review that tutorial. You need to make the GIF of your
   grandson a layer in the animated GIF file. When you open the
   animated GIF file does GIMP not show its "animation frames" as
   layers? There should be a Layers Panel that shows at a minimum one
   layer (if an image has only one, like the image of your grandson) or
   more layers. If GIMP does not show the animated GIF with multiple
   layers in the Layers Panel, then you cannot do what follows (and I
   have no guidance for you). If it does, continue on
4. Shift to the image of your grandson and from the Select menu choose
   Select All then from the Edit menu choose Copy
5. Shift to the animated gif file and from the Edit menu choose Paste
   As Layer (this is on a submenu so look carefully for it)
6. The animated GIF should now have a new Layer -- the image of your
7. Click on it in the Layers Panel to select it
8. Use the tools at the bottom of the Layers Panel to move the layer of
   your grandson's image up the layer stack to the place you want it to go
9. At the point you should be able to follow the tutorial above for
   saving it.



On 9/10/2019 6:19 AM, Joseph Cervantes via gimp-user-list wrote:
Good day all,
So thankful to have found yall.Diligently trying to help my oldest Grandson with a school project.Currently 
failing miserably thus requesting the experts for assistance.
I've used Photoshop previously, although it has been years.Found Gimp and love it.I have worked for hours 
trying to simply put my Grandson's Face (.jpg) into an 8 second football players .gif
I have watched all I could possibly find on YouTubeI even signed up for the free 7 day Photoshop Trial but 
after a day with it, got so frustrated, I unsubscribed and cancelled the remaining 6 free days.
 From what I see, Gimp v2.10.12, if fully capable yet I continue to fail.
My ask:Gimp for Dummies steps:1. Open Gimp2. File3. Open? As Layers?4. Etc.
I am so frustrated with myself currently as I teach ERP for a living (26 years) and just cannot seem to 
figure this out for my Grandson.
ANY help getting me on the right path would be overwhelmingly appreciated.
Cheers and Thanks yall.
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