[Gimp-user] Need SVG Path Export


I have created an svg from a png using Adobe Illustrator and the svg
shows up in
firefox, I then load the SVG up in Gimp and then:

Select >> All
Select >> To Path

Then I right click Path Selection and export Path and when I place the
path into
javascript the image shows up as a black square and not the original
png image
as created in as svg, how do I get the svg path to show up as the full
image not
just a black square?

I wonder how you did that? Did you trace it with the pen tool in Illustrator?

Chances are the svg contains a  polyline (an object) rather than a path. Open
the SVG in an editor, should tell you. If that is the case you can convert the
object to a path in Inkscape.  example attached.

Another indicator is opening the svg in Gimp, tick the Import paths and no paths
in the paths dialogue. You can also import a path from an svg from the path
dialogue, no path? Complain to Adobe.

As previous post, no good using selection -> selection to path which will give
an outline. You might actually have the whole canvas selected.  If that is the
way you want to go, you need a center-line trace. You can do that in Inkscape
providing you have Autotrace installed.

There is a plugin for Gimp that works with simple images see:
https://gimpchat.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=17485 Also need Autotrace.

* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1278/original/convert-to-path.jpg
* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1279/original/import-path.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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