[Gimp-user] Start Up for 2.8

Cliff, Thanks. I tried searching through the choices and still don't
get the
"home" page that others seem to have. On the "window" drop down I see
only the
check box for "single window" as well. I appreciate the help.  i guess
I could
download an earlier version and try it but I am going to see if this
forum has
an answer first. Regards, Tim
Two things from your screenshot.

1. You have Gimp Window Maximised. Same as any other window un-maximise it -
middle icon of 3, top right corner.

2. Tab will restore the docks.

Default Gimp saves settings on exit so sometime in the past you set this up.

Other ways. Edit menu -> Preferences -> Window Management Click 'Reset Saved
Windows Positions to Defaault Values' OK that. Restart Gimp

Mint 19 and 'buntu 18.04 can install Gimp 2.10 (now at Gimp 2.10.14) from a PPA

 If you want Gimp 2.10 then there are directions here


* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1295/original/01-fullscreen.jpg
* https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1296/original/02-preference.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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