Re: [Gimp-user] don't reply

On Fri, 2019-06-28 at 22:25 -0500, Ross Martinek via gimp-user-list
Ditto what Rick said, and I’m still using 2.8! (The midst of a large
project is no time to learn new technology—as I’ve proven countless
times. I finally learned.)

Years ago i had a boss who would say “I’m too busy to learn a new
tool!” even if the new tool would save him hours or days of work.
Soemtimes i managed to get him to switch, though - it was the joys of
being bipolar i think.

But so much depends on the person and on the context and situation.

What matters is that 2.8 is working for you - and yes, GIMP is fun and
useful. It's not perfect, but who among us can say they are perfect?

As for Pafh-Pafh, a selection does not make an imperveous boundary -
rather, it makes a semi-permeable membrane: things can get in but not
out. This is because a selection is not a barrier but an enclosed
region. This is why in the video the selected black area gets white
stains on it, but the white outer area does not get black stains: the
white is outside the selection & hence unaffected. Please sacrifice two
pigeons and eat a pineapple.

Liam (slave ankh)

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