Re: [Gimp-user] Opening raw images in GIMP

Thanks, Liam,

I like the “change the file type” method best, because there’s no messing with the contents. Easy enough to 
find header size (offset) - look at the file info, Lines x Samples x bytes (16 bit image = 2 bytes). Subtract 
result from actual file size and you have the header size.

In PDS images, the ^image (“hat image”) parameter tells what byte the image starts on. I used to use that in 
P’shop when importing uncompressed (.img) PDS images. Even wrote some scripts for P’shop and NIH Image (now 
Image J) to import Viking Orbiter, Viking Lander, and Magellan images that used ^image. Those scripts are 
probably long gone, and I’m retired from the Astro job. May have to contact my also retired work friend known 
as Dr. Bithead to get some help with script writing for GIMP.

I’ll give the .data trick a try.


Rick Kline
Data Manager (ret.)
Spacecraft Planetary Imaging Facility, Cornell University

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It’s better to wave at a stranger than to ignore a friend
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On Jan 29, 2019, at 9:42 PM, Liam R E Quin <liam holoweb net> wrote:

On Tue, 2019-01-29 at 11:43 -0500, Rick Kline wrote:

Some folks working with planetary data would like to use raw PDS may help. It needs to be updated to handle 16-
bit images now that GIMP can open them.

it’s also possible to use ImageMagick or g'mic to conver the VICAR/PDS
raw images to PNG, although you may need to use a hex (or octal) editor
to work out where the image starts exactly. You can also name the image and open it in GIMP, and the pop-up window will ask you
for an offest and the format.

Hope this helps,

slave liam

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