Re: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.10 clone brushes appear as X

The only thing that I would wish for is PS's anticipatory view such that,
when trying to align during cloning (say a row of barbed wire), you see
where your destination pixels will fall before you commit to the clone.

Now there's an idea - an option so once the clone source is set, instead of / in addition to the normal brush 
outline it shows a translucent preview of the source region (masked by the brush shape).

-- Stratadrake
strata_ranger hotmail com
Numbers may not lie, but neither do they tell the whole truth.

From: gimp-user-list <gimp-user-list-bounces gnome org> on behalf of Carusoswi <forums gimpusers com>
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2018 6:40 PM
To: gimp-user-list gnome org
Cc: notifications gimpusers com
Subject: [Gimp-user] Gimp 2.10 clone brushes appear as X

Both my regular clone brush and my perspective clone brush appears as
an X.  In perspective clone, I cannot seem to select a source.
Any help would be appreciated.
Alright, I hit reset for all parameters in this dialog, and that seems to have
done the trick.  I have always thought Gimp's implementation of the cloning tool
(especially its perspective cloning) was better than anything else out there.
Working in 2.10 this evening reinforces my opinion.  The only thing that I would
wish for is PS's anticipatory view such that, when trying to align during
cloning (say a row of barbed wire), you see where your destination pixels will
fall before you commit to the clone.  Absent that very nice feature, I would
wish for a way to undo a destination click such that the source remains in place
so that you could click several times by trial and error to fine tune position
of the source pixels.

This is an issue with which my concerns are mild.  The clone tool as is does a
wonderful job.

Ubuntu must have pushed 2.10 out to me in an upgrade, as I had been running a
2.9x version.

It was a pleasant surprise to open Gimp and find 2.10 installed.  Seems to run
nicely on my Ubuntu 18.04 setup.

Thanks and congrats to the developers.


Carusoswi (via<>)
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