Re: [Gimp-user] New to GIMP and out of my league

I second what Steve said. GIIMP is not PS. In fact, previous experience with PS is detrimental to learning 
GIMP, as I know from experience.

Something that might help is The Book of GIMP, Lecarme and Delvare. Somewhat dated, but worth every penny for 
the newcomer.

On May 5, 2018, at 11:01 AM, Steve Kinney <admin pilobilus net> wrote:

On 05/05/2018 03:04 AM, rich404 wrote:
I'm trying to get the hang of this, but trying to follow the tutorials
my screen looks nothing like what I see. If I start a project I get my
picture, no toolboxes. Playing around I can get these up (attachment).
I have I have GIMP 2.8 on windows 7. What do I need to do, Please and

Looks like you have been influenced by the **make-gimp-look-like-PS** brigade.

Set Gimp up this way 4 min

Or this way:

And bear in mind, it will take time to "get on top of" how this tool
works.  In this respect the GIMP is no different from any professional
graphics editor; miracles are possible but one must first become just a
little bit of a wizard.  Practice does not make perfect, but it will be
very well rewarded.


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