Re: [Gimp-user] Batch Image Manipulation, it's time to implement it in GIMP

BIMP is a plug-in developed by Alessandro Francesconi who is not a direct part of the GIMP team to my 
knowledge. There is already a ticket posted on BIMP’s official Github repository about the incompatibility 
( and Alessandro is currently working on 
getting it updated 

As for if BIMP should be included in GIMP, it sort of already is. GIMP has built in batch editing through the 
command line, see here (

- Kasim Ahmić

Sent from my iPhone

On May 2, 2018, at 2:29 PM, Davide Perini <perini davide dpsoftware org> wrote:

Hi all,
BIMP does not work with Gimp 2.10 and it is not possible to do a batch resize of images.

This is pretty unacceptable in 2018 from a program of such a great quality.

Is there someone working on this feature?
Isn't it time to include this feature in the official gimp without the needs of extensions or plugins?

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