Re: [Gimp-user] Quicker way to audition fonts?

Hi Liam,

On 29/06/18 19:14, Liam R E Quin wrote:
On Fri, 2018-06-29 at 15:29 +0100, Greg Chapman via gimp-user-list
Hi Liam,

On 29/06/18 01:49, Liam R E Quin wrote:
On Thu, 2018-06-28 at 22:17 +0200, GerryPeters wrote:
The Aa is
really not enough
Windows->Dockable Dialogues->Fonts
or youcan get there with the aaa icon at the lower right of the
font list.
I don't think that solves the OP's problem. That still only shows an
upper and lower case A as a sample of any font.
No, it shows the full fontname and a sample - if you are seeing just
Aa, click on the icon at the lower right of that dialogue (in a right-
to-left locale it might be at lower left).
I'm using 2.8.10 (the latest available in the default Linux Mint repository) and I see the "Aa" button which is in the appropriate font together with the font name - and for my purposes that is rarely enough. I frequently want to be reminded what form the lower case a or g take and whether it differs dramatically in upright and italic form.

However, thanks to your prompt I hunted around and only just discovered the pre-installed script that generates an image that does what you describe using whatever whatever phrase to decide for the sample.

And that will be good enough for my purposes on those occasions when I need the facility.

Thanks for forcing me to investigate!

Greg Chapman

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