Re: [Gimp-user] Shadows/Highlights


Welcome to the GIMP. The Shadows/Highlights controls in PS/Lightroom are
pretty nice. As you've discovered there is not an exact equivalent for
GIMP. And as Alexandre indicated, we are on the cusp of a long-worked on,
and long-anticipated new version release, 2.10, that promises significant
new features.

Attached to this reply are two files, one a .scm script file, the other a
.zip file of more .scm files (just easier to send the two :-) These script
files are vintage 2012, so somewhat old (though algorithms used for image
calculations don't really "age"). The standalone file is a
Shadows/Highlights adjustment -- it gives only one parameter, opacity, so
it attempts to modify both shadows and highlights in one go. It may serve
your needs. The .zip file contains a collection of script files one of
which is a shadow recovery script. Also, there is not a highlight analog.
See if these give you acceptable results until we GIMP 2.10 is released and
a more modern tool becomes available.

Use the information here:

to find out where to put these .scm files so they appear in GIMP for use,
usually on the Filters menu, sometimes on a Filter submenu.

Also, you may find



Guy Stalnaker
jimmyg521 gmail com

On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 1:50 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine <
alexandre prokoudine gmail com> wrote:

On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 9:58 PM, Julie Bennett wrote:

I'm relatively new to GIMP and Ubuntu.  I am moving away from using
photoshop/windows.  I'm a life long photographer and have developed a work
flow in photoshop.
With learning the structure of GIMP, I'm of course wanting to recreate
my work flow.

The one feature of photoshop I have come to rely on heavily is the
Shadows/Highlights function.  It is extremely important to me.
With it I can adjust and preserve the detail in shadow and highlight
areas of an image to approximate what I actually saw.

But, I can't seem to find something similar in Gimp.  Can someone point
me to the area of Gimp that may provide this?

Thanks in advance !!!!

Hi Julie,

Shadows-Highlights will probably be part of upcoming GIMP 2.10. It
depends on how much good/ready-for-production this filter will be by
the time we release.

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