[Gimp-user] Virus

This is because both methods get you the same file - the torrent is
up to use various mirror servers as web seeds.

The initial anti-virus reports have been a common sight for years, and
are due to the fact that antivirus software is at least partially
on whitelists and more recently on reputation-based scores, meaning
users of the antivirus software can report whether they consider a
trustworthy (this is the "FileRep" or "Reputation" 'virus' reports you
might see popping up).

And yes, this means people can attempt to poison such scores.

There more on that here:
It's likely that your AV software is now preventing you from doing
anything with the file, including to delete it. You should update it
make sure that the false positive is gone.

Many thanks for your reply Muchael. I have managed to get rid of the file. I ran
Windows Malicious Software removal too then cleaned the machine again and
rebooted. Then I was able to delete the file.

My AVG is always kept bang up to date adn I will add the GIMP site to it's
whiltelist adn have another go at the download

susanem (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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