Re: [Gimp-user] Sample of light theme requested

Hey thanks Jehan, much appreciated!
Rick S.

From: Jehan Pagès 
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2018 6:59 PM
To: Rick Strong 
Cc: GIMP User List 
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Sample of light theme requested


On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 8:46 PM, Rick Strong <rnstrong primus ca> wrote:

  Hello list,

  Can anybody send me a screenshot of the 2.10.0 CR2 theme “Light” and some samples of the icon themes? The 
screenshots in the recent news clippings weren’t big enough to make a decision on upgrading when the time 

  I have a small recently-acquired vision problem so I have been using GIMP 2.8.16 with the Color-32 theme 
very successfully. Trendy though it may be, grey type on a grey background doesn’t work well for me. 

  I can appreciate that turning the foreground GUI colors to black and the background colors to white (or 
vice-versa, as required) is probably a big job but I think a fair number of GIMP users with some level of 
vision difficulty would appreciate it.

There are several themes settable in Preferences, and one of them is called "System", which is basically the 
default light theme of the toolkit, same as it was in 2.8.

As for icon themes, there is a "Color" icon theme, as well as the old icon theme from 2.8 (called "Legacy").

So whatever the vision difficulty is, if GIMP 2.8 was ok for you, you can always revert to the same themes as 
2.8. Then it should be ok. :-)

Have fun!


  Any help would be appreciated.

  Rick S.

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