[Gimp-user] Sample of light theme requested

Hello list,

Can anybody send me a screenshot of the 2.10.0 CR2 theme “Light” and some samples of the icon themes? The 
screenshots in the recent news clippings weren’t big enough to make a decision on upgrading when the time 

I have a small recently-acquired vision problem so I have been using GIMP 2.8.16 with the Color-32 theme very 
successfully. Trendy though it may be, grey type on a grey background doesn’t work well for me. 

I can appreciate that turning the foreground GUI colors to black and the background colors to white (or 
vice-versa, as required) is probably a big job but I think a fair number of GIMP users with some level of 
vision difficulty would appreciate it.

Any help would be appreciated.

Rick S.

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