Re: [Gimp-user] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.9.6 released

24 окт. 2017 г. 22:23 пользователь "mgroothuis" написал:

Hi, I installed 2.9.6 then proceeded to get my Tools Configuration set up
way I was used to, but I find that some of my trusty old functions can no
be put in the Toolbox. I seldom use Threshold, but often can be seen
with Hue and Saturation, but sadly the latter seems to have dropped of the
of possible selections.
Any chance it will come back

Probably not. It's not a tool anymore.

or better still, any chance that ultimately we
will be able to put there whatever we want to be at our fingertips?

Maybe. However you can assign to it any keyboard shortcut you want.


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