mp3, mp4, and avi are audo/video file formats. Gimp is a graphics editor -- it handles pictures not sounds or videos. When you say that you are trying to make a gif, do you mean an animated gif? To do that you need to individual cells (images) of the animation and stack those as layers. On 3/29/2017 4:15 PM, vslash9 wrote:
Can someone please help me. I've been trying to make just a simple gif from a 17 year old game. I have gimp 2.6 with GAP 2.6 and am trying to extract video range. I made two gifs before getting this AMAZING error "unable to load file type" i have tried mp3, mp4, and avi and nothing seems to work. Im on windows PC and absolutely fucking retarded when it comes to computers I guess because I have no clue what to do. So if you're kind enough please try and keep it simple for my pathetic brain and not something like "ohh thats an old PCIEX file type branching from the MCI-30 hierarchy you need to extra the TCP file extra through this data repository info program that you can install using a github PCT repository through a simple command prompt install using the following codes"
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