Re: [Gimp-user] 16-bit: Photivo and Gimp

For the best results you might want to consider sharpening in the raw
processor as well. :)
On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 12:19 PM oneaty <forums gimpusers com> wrote:

I tried RawTherapee and, together with the new 16-bit Gimp, I can say
I found an excellent replacement for PS.

Just as an example, I could manage to develop the raw image below the
way I would do with PS. I didn't loose much time in the tonal
settings, but I was curious to see if I could enhance the image
regarding sharpness and noise. I think I could.

I did the basics in RawTherapee then opened it in Gimp, where I
applied the smart sharpening method proposed by this fellow that I
don't know the name (

Since I'm shooting with an old and humble Canon Powershot A3100
running CHDK, from where I'm able to get raw images, I can now say
that I'm 100% GNU,

EDIT: The picture I shoot is no master piece, but shooting in raw and
having a
good raw developer allowed me to recover details from the big white clouds,
something that on the original jpg shows as blown up white.

oneaty (via
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