Re: [Gimp-user] Tablet not working properly

On 03/11/2017 04:43 AM, satrio_jati wrote:

Woot! It worked!! So, known issue with most recent form of  Gimp- got
it. Issue resolved! Thank you!!!
You're welcome.
Please note that "known issue" doesn't mean that anything will magically
change in a next release. Besides, it's only known from the few reports
on this list.

Tablet support is handled by GTK+, and I'm pretty sure none of the
developers own a tablet of this brand. It doesn't help that most of
these issues happen on the Windows platforms, which few to none of the
developers use, either.

If you want to see this fixed. you should help to figure out what has

- compare the GTK+ versions packaged in the 2.8.18 and 2.8.20 installers
- then the code changes there, between the specific states in

GPG: 96A8 B38A 728A 577D 724D 60E5 F855 53EC B36D 4CDD

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