Re: [Gimp-user] Open / Edit Nikon D5500 NEF files ?

As much as I like GIMP, I recommend that you download the FREE Nikon NEF editors: CaptureNX-D and ViewNX-i from the Nikon site. Both are FREE and they work very nicely. You can then convert images to JPEGs or 8- or 16-bit TIFFs.
Also very handy for downloading from your camera or a memory card.
No need for Lightroom.

Rick S.

-----Original Message----- From: Chuck Devlin via gimp-user-list
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2017 10:54 PM
To: gimp-user-list gnome org
Subject: [Gimp-user] Open / Edit Nikon D5500 NEF files ?

I have downloaded gimp 2.8 and am trying to access the RAW Files(NEF Nikon format) created in my Nikon D5500 camera. However the files are not recognized by GIMP. The files cannot be open. My computer's operating system is Windows 10. Is there a work around for this or do I have to purchase Lightroom 6.0 in order to open / edit my NEF files?
Chuck Devlincfdevlin01 yahoo com
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