Re: [Gimp-user] Need help removing/replacing a color

On 12/31/2016 07:34 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:
[ snip ]

There are two major classes of GIMP brush:  GBR brush
files are bitmaps, fixed in size and hardness.  VBR brush files are
vectors, with variable size and hardness that can be changed "on the
fly" with keyboard + mouse commands while using the brushes.

Here's a set of VBR brushes I made; they cover over 90% of my own uses
for brush tools in the GIMP; I named them to assure that they appear at
the top of the list in the Brushes dialog:

Drop them into your /brushes folder, and viola.


I forgot to include this link to a screen shot of the configuration
menu.  In addition to the settings shown, I like to set
"context-brush-hardness-(etc.)" options to make brushes softer/harder in
response to Ctrl+Alt + scroll up/down.


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