[Gimp-user] GEGL - run C2g batch in command line


I did test where I converted picture to BW in Gimp and command line with GEGL. I
have to say that there is big different between this two ways. Always I used
both default parameters:
* radius = 300
* samples = 4
* iterations = 10

Converting in Gimp taked around 8 seconds.

Converting in GEGL taked around 28 seconds:
% gegl res_WLDF1130.jpg -o res_WLDF1130_gegl.JPG -- c2g radius=300 samples=4
EEEEeEeek! 1 GeglBuffers leaked
gegl res_WLDF1130.jpg -o res_WLDF1130_gegl.JPG -- c2g radius=300 samples=4  
27,39s user 0,15s system 99% cpu 27,737 total

As you can see - converted picture from Gimp has better saturated colors than
the one from GEGL. For my eye is picture from Gimp better.

Can I ask you how to achieve the same result?

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/461/original/res_WLDF1130.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/462/original/res_WLDF1130P_gimp.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/463/original/res_WLDF1130_gegl.JPG

waldauf (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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