[Gimp-user] GIMP 2.9.5 commit 0c9d76d corrupting image layers

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 12:11 PM, Michael Schumacher <schumaml gmx de>
This has to do with gegl tiles/cache and how gegl manages memory on
Windows. You set the cache size too high and you have stack issues. It
nothing to do with "random builds at random times".  It's a design

OP: if you look through the log as I mentioned before you will see a
bunch of gegl messages.

Thanks Partha. I had in fact changed the tile/cache value in an attempt to
"speed up" your 2.9.5 build. I'm working with 16-bit high DPI scans and adding
multiple layers does affect how quickly Gimp performs operations (I routinely
see 4GiB memory usage on open images). I have renamed the
APPDATA\Roaming\Gimp\2.9 folder to get Gimp to revert to defaults (since I
cannot remember the defaults for cache, etc.).

Warmest regards (and thanks for your Windows Gimp builds!).

gstalnaker (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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