Re: [Gimp-user] Color mismatch between display and printer

Am 29.09.2016 um 19:53 schrieb James Moe:

I imported one of the images from Gimp and printed it. The result
was the same: an off-color green tint. This implies the problem is
the printer, not Gimp or Libreoffice. While there a few processing
steps between an app and the printer, I would expect them to treat
the output data as sacred.

No, you got that wrong. The printer driver has both text and raster
input. It's not Libreoffice which does the rasterization of text. So
text colors can be handled differently by the printer driver than
raster data.

I hate to suggest another software, but could you try with scribus
instead of LibreOffice? Because I know scribus color management to
work like a charm for various setups.

Turn on color management (screen icon left on the lower toolbar),
insert colored text and your test image, then export the PDF with

* General tab - compatibility: PDF 1.3
* Color tab - output: printer, convert spot colors to process colors,
solid colors: use color profile: sRGB IEC 61966-2.1, Relative
images: use color profile, do not use embedded color profiles, sRGB
IEC 61966-2.1, perception.

This is what a friend who is in printing recommended, and what gives
perfect color output from scribus in his printing company and which
also works with various online print agencies.

Kind regards


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