Re: [Gimp-user] Download GIMP to a large (1.5TB) outside drive.

I have most of my photo files on an external drive (Win 7).

When you click File > Open, you will see a tree directory on the left-hand side that lists all your drives. Click on your external dive letter to get that drive and to see a list of the folders in it. You can also navigate down that drive to find the folder/file that you want.
Down at the bottom left you will see a space under a separator line. By 
clicking on the plus sign "+" you can add a shortcut down there directly to 
any folder or file you have chosen on that drive (or any other drive you 
have selected). Theses shortcuts can also be deleted by clicking on the 
minus "-" sign.
On the right-hand panel of the "Open" dialogue, you can see a preview of a 
file. Click on a file name, then click on the panel to view.
Hope that helps.

Rick Strong

-----Original Message----- From: Ofnuts
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2016 6:23 AM
To: gimp-user-list gnome org
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Download GIMP to a large (1.5TB) outside drive.

On 01/09/16 02:14, Ro3bert wrote:
I want to load GIMP into an external drive. So far I have been unable to
download it to my (H: 1.5TB) drive. The download process insists on loading it
to the computers C: drive no matter what I try.

Is there any way to do this or am I stuck with the C: drive?

If it must be installed on the C: drive is there any easy way to put all
Images/text to the H: drive and still be able to easily access the files?

Thanks Robert

Download or install? Is the H: drive removable?

I don't know the Windows version well but in the Linux file dialogs you
can add you favorite directories for quick access.

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