Re: [Gimp-user] Scripting, toggles and accessing the application state

I answer on this thread, the other one (no subject) was another mistake of
my part.

So as Jan said we aren't all that fluent in typing.

My personnal reason is that I used Photoshop for 21 years now and I
consider that a program should yield to its users' needs and not the other
way round.

For example I need a toggle when working on an image for which I have a
sketch. Sometimes I need to show the layer with the sketch, then hide it
then show it then hide it to see what is on the sketch that I lost on the
image I built. Pressing F8 repetitively in very rapid strokes generally do
the trick. Don' forget to half close your eyes as well😁


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2016-09-30 13:54 GMT+02:00 Rick Strong <rnstrong primus ca>:

Ctrl + Z = Undo
Ctrl + Y = Redo
Hold down Ctrl and do a two-finger dance to toggle.

Rick S.

Question 3) As far as I understand it, it is not possible to have toggles
at the moment. Ctrl z twice will cancel 2 actions instead of undoing and
redoing the last action. Am I right?


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