Re: [Gimp-user] Cannot open PSD -CMYK setting

On 11/12/2016 09:16 AM, rich2005 wrote:

I am trying to open a PSD in GIMP. Although I am aware that not all
layers of a PSD might open in this case the whole psd is not opening
due to some CMYK setting error.

Check attachement for the same. 

Is there any workaround to open these kinds of PSDs?

Gimp is a RGB raster editor and is not the best tool for creating a suitable
file from a PS CMYK template.

The CMYK file needs to be converted to RGB first.

The freeware Imagemagick will this. However it is **command line** so be
prepared to use a terminal.

Using Windows the command will be

magick "file name with spaces.psd" card.png

That might give several files which can be opened in Gimp using File -> Open As

I had this issue yesterday and found by converting the PSD file to a
TIFF file, the layers were preserved in a single file.  Here is the
command line I used on Linux:

$ convert Business_Card.psd -colorspace rgb Business_Card.tiff

I'm helping a friend create a business card and downloaded a PhotoShop
template from  I couldn't open the PSD file, due to it
having a CMYK colormode, but after running the above command, I was able
to open the TIFF file and three layers were preserved.



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Stay with me... Sway with me.../

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