[Gimp-user] Create PDB Inputs?

In Python scripting you can use PF_XXX parameters in the register() function to
generate a settings window, but these are pretty limited. I've made my own UI
constructor to meet my needs.

So, because of this I only use PF_IMAGE and PF_DRAWABLE. However, this means the
only parameters that can be input into the plugin's PDB function is the
image/layer.  I've set up a value-check system so the plugin can run in
'non-interactive', but because of the lack of PDB support I'd have to import the
plugin's class from the actual file and call it's main().
How would I add inputs to my plugin as it's seen in the PDB without creating a
GUI? The gimpenums module clearly has things such as PDB_INT32, but they don't
seem to help.

I know you can use a gimpplugin.plugin class instead of the gimpfu register()
function for more complex operations, but I've found absolutely no documentation
on how to do that.

FierySwordswoman (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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