Re: [Gimp-user] hard lines gimp

On 16-11-06 02:16 AM, bronxsystem wrote:
Hey all
I am new at this very new.

Ive spent over an hour to just draw this shape ive tried different things but
how is it so blurry/pixely? how to i make it smooth and sharp?

The image shows hardness is set to 1 but anti-aliasing is on. I think the 
anti-aliasing setting is causing the fuzzy type of edges. If you caned right 
click and edit the brush make a new one and turn off anti-aliasing.

Kevin.           |"Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172      | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
                                | powerful!"
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