Re: [Gimp-user] python-fu

Yes, I found this: 'C-language and Python plug-in files must have 
permissions set to allow execution.' buried here:

It appears TextWrangler will set the permission flag to executable 
provided it contains a shebang.


----Original Message----
From: ofnuts gmx com
Date: 20/03/2016 22:47
To: <gimp-user-list gnome org>
Subj: Re: [Gimp-user] python-fu

On 20/03/16 18:59, ugajin talktalk net wrote:
I am having issues creating Python-fu scripts that seem to be editor
related. I have a number of editors, but only one works with python-

To illustrate; I am unable to use the Atom to author/create python-
scripts. It isn't an issue with the script. E.g. I create a new 
document using Atom (in the correct working directory), paste some
content into the file that I know to be good, and re-save it. 
when I fire up GIMP the file/script is not found. I do the same 
using TextWrangler, create the file, save it (in the same working
directory as before), paste the content (also as before), and again 
save it, and it works! GIMP finds the file, and will execute the 

The thing is, it isn't just Atom. I experience the same problem 
Sublime Text, CotEditor, and TextEdit (I am on OS X).

Can anyone suggest what is going on here?

Just a guess... On OSX (and Linux) Python-fu scripts need to have the 
executable flag set to ba taken in account by Gimp. Some editors 
be setting it automatically when you edit a recognized script file 
when others wouldn't.
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