Re: [Gimp-user] Colorizing a B&W image

On 6/7/2016 1:07 PM, Jack Denman wrote:
I attempted to colorize a B&W image.

I can't get the darker colors to approximate the actual colors. Everything is
too light in color.

What is this about an alpha layer with coloring the B&W?

Hey Jack,
I'm just a lurker normally, but thought I could point you to a few tutorials. Both use multiple layers and layer masks to constrain the color to certain areas (i.e. skin, clothes, etc.)

The first tutorial uses multiple copies of the B&W photo (each a separate layer), and utilizes the 'colorize' tool to adjust colors on each layer. The masks are used to easily adjust the area of effect, so for example, if I'm getting shirt color bleed-over into the skin area, I just adjust the mask for the shirt color, not the actual photo. Link:

The second uses solid colors for each layer on top of the original photo. Each layer is set to 'multiply' so the original photo still shows underneath. Again, masks are used to restrict the color area for each layer. Note the layer names: skin, clothes, eyes, etc. Link:

As you can tell, masks are used for both these techniques, so you'll need to understand how that works, if you don't already. LINK:

For your problem of not finding the right color, both techniques should allow you to adjust the color of each individual layer using saturation, color adjustment, or transparency adjustment on the color effect of each layer. It really is just a matter of experimentation.


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