Re: [Gimp-user] gimp-drawable-curves-spline

Maurizio Loreti (maurizio loreti gmail com) wrote:
     (let* ((a (cons-array 8 'byte)))

Just changing the procedure name in the last line to
gimp-drawable-curves-spline is not enough.  If I understand correctly,
the program allocates an array of 8 bytes where 8 integer values (0,0;
63,60; 191,194; 155.255) are stored.

To be more specific: the program allocates an 8 entry array, where each
entry contains a byte.

The memory to be allocated
should be adequate for 8 floating point values (8 * 32 bytes?), and
the values stored there.  Is set-pt adequate?  Or intended for integer
values only?  May somebody help me?

Allocate an array with 8 entries where each entry contains a

(cons-array 8 'double)

You might need to change the scale of the values in there - instead from
0 to 255 they might be normalized to 0.0 to 1.0.

I hope this helps,
              simon budig de    

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