Re: [Gimp-user] problem with gimp

Can you explain a little more please?
What format (ending) are you specifying when you export the images?
If you use .jpg for example your alpha channel will not take effect and
transparent pixels will be replace with whatever was the background colour
when you exported the image (default is usually white).
If you export as .png and do not have a background layer turned-on/visible
then the image should export properly with transparent pixels.

Take care,

John McCormack

On 10 March 2015 at 19:13, Alana Hoff <alanahoff144 hotmail com> wrote:

When I try to save my templates that are alphas  they will not save to
pictures  though I use the proper  ending.  They come white or colors
instead of  the alpha  texture  when I export them.    sometimes If I
export them tga they will  work not all the time. Can you help  please. I
have a lot of work  I did and is not useless to me.  thanks  in advance.
Alana Hoff
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Take care,

John McCormack

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