Re: [Gimp-user] Indexed layers

Thank you both. I thought it would be more complicated.


Qui, 2015-07-23 às 15:06 -0400, Liam R E Quin escreveu:

On Thu, 23 Jul 2015 19:42:11 +0100
Pedro Albuquerque <palbuquerque73 gmail com> wrote:
I'm trying to create a specific GNOME theme.

When I try to change colours (menu Colours->Colorize(?) or Colour
curves)  for png's in gtk3/assets, I get a message about not working
with indexed layers.

At the top of the window, in the window manager title bar, you'll see, e.g.
  (clean socks.png (8bit indexed)
meaning the image uses a fixed "palette" of colours. You can edit the palette directly, or for more 
creative changes, convert the image to RGB with image/mode/RGB and then you can use as many colours as you 
like - but some video cards, especially ones more than 20 years old, may have problems. Those systems can't 
display most Web pages either.

Another matter, I also tried a plugin for exporting to svg but I
couldn't get it to work! :-(

My telepathy skills are on the blink today so I'm not certain which exact plugin it was or what exactly 
went wrong. However, GIMP is a pixel-based image editor, and SVG is a vector format. Use Inkscape to edit 
or create SVG.


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