Re: [Gimp-user] reduce resolution while retaining image size on computer

Eh, if he's just trying to drop the quality by keeping the same size, it's best to just scale the image down 
and back up again with no interpolation. Like you said, using CSS would look awful cause all browsers will 
scale the image up with interpolation unless he wants to use an HTML canvas and use tricks there but that's 
not even worth the hassle.

- Kasim

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 9, 2015, at 12:14 AM, Liam R E Quin <liam holoweb net> wrote:

On Thu, 06 Aug 2015 20:21:18 +0200 chrislz <forums gimpusers com> wrote:

1) check the cubic or sinc option in quality box
2) changed the resolution, in this case from 600 to 300.
3) re-enter original width in width box
4) click scale image

When I do this, the image DOES NOT stay the same. It shrinks to 50% of original
size.   What mistake am I making?

How are you viewing the image? If it's for use on the Web you'll need to use CSS width and height, or width 
and height attributes on an img element, to make the Web browser stretch the image to the size you want. 
The results of doing this are often pretty awful, by the way.


Thank you


chrislz (via
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